ਮੇਰੀ ਲਿਖਤ
The first 10-minute play I ever wrote. Also my first attempt at writing about LGBTQ+ themes. Originally written in Spring 2017.
One of my first short stories I wrote for a university workshop. Spooky elements and family drama. Originally written in Fall 2017.
Another short screenplay, this time playing with a nonlinear timeline. Originally written in Spring 2019.
First full screenplay, and it's horror! Would love to see this filmed one day. Originally written in Spring 2019.
A one-act play, this one is heavily inspired by the movie City of Ember and the game Undertale. Lots of fantasy elements! Originally written in Spring 2017.
Another piece of flash fiction I wrote for university. Spoilers: It's aliens. Originally written in Fall 2017.
Short screenplay where the assignment was to write a scene with no spoken dialogue. Originally written in Spring 2019.
A collection of my poems, mostly from Spring 2019.